Who is Arthur Grant?

Welcome to our first blog post. So we get the question quite often. Who is Arthur Grant? Most people think this is a person who is the broker or a former owner of the company. To be honest it's neither. When we first built Arthur Grant Realty back in 2009 we were looking to create a name that stood for quality, honesty and integrity. Since this is a family owned company we didn't have to look to far than our own family. Arthur comes from one of our Grandfathers; Arthur Rusten who was meticulous, detailed and a perfectionist when he was woodworking. When you received something from Arthur you knew that it was perfect and that he spent hours making sure it was. The second name Grant came from Grant Johnson. Another one of our Grandfathers; Grant represented honesty and integrity as he was a school superintendent in multiple school districts in Minnesota. You knew with Grant at the helm he would always make the best choice needed with all the kids in mind. Grant also played basketball at the University of Minnesota and coached many kids basketball in Minnesota.

Putting these two first names together to form Arthur Grant Realty was an easy choice and to this day we try to live out out these qualities in our daily lives and in our real estate careers at Arthur Grant Realty. As a customer of Arthur Grant Realty you can always expect quality, honesty and integrity when you work with any of our agents. 

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